Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Study of nti socil behviour nd violent conduct t UK night clubs Essay

Study of nti socil behviour nd violent conduct t UK night clubs - Essay Example Youth-oriented communities s well s dults, tht visit the clubs, crete the tmosphere of love, unity, tolernce nd hppiness tht is expressed through dncing, communiction nd other rnge of ctivities tht my not lwys entil socilly cceptble behviours. s the result of such relxing conditions in night clubs, the number of socil problems my pper. Specificlly, the problem of lcohol misuse nd illegl expnsion of drugs is one of the widely spred chrcteristic of night clubs. Drug use nd lcohol is intended to enhnce clubbers' senstions nd boost their energy so they cn dnce for long periods. While the first problem is generlly cceptble behviour (lcohol is normlly uthorised to sell out in brs of the night clubs), the second problem my led to the vriety of nti-socil behviourl expressions nd violence. Deling ppropritely with the violence cused by the use of lcohol nd drugs is difficult for police. On the one hnd, police often fce substntil pressure from minstrem society to put n end to drugs nd lcohol uthority in night clubs, usully through ggressive lw enforcement. On the other hnd, the tmosphere creted by "esy" (Morris, 1998) drugs nd lcohol is enormously populr mong significnt minority of teengers nd young dults, most of whom re generlly lw biding nd responsible. Strict enforcement efforts cn liente key segment of this popultion from government in generl, nd the police in prticulr. To be sure, lcohol cn pose genuine risks, but those risks re frequently exggerted in the public's mind. It is importnt tht police recognize tht most lcohol-relted hrms hppen to the clubbers themselves, nd while clubbers re not wholly responsible for those hrms, they willingly ssume much of the risk for them. ccordingly, night club prty problems re t lest s much public helth problems s they re crime nd disorder problems. It is criticl to estblish solid bse of fcts bout night clubs-relted hrms in the community, fcts from which to intelligently develop locl policies nd responses. The principl night clubs-relted concerns for police tht re considered to result in nti-socil nd violent behviour re s follows: - drug overdoses nd ssocited medicl hzrds: some drugs when overdosed cn bring to the stte of "shg frenzy", incresing chnces of ctching HIV nd other sexul trnsmitted disesed. (Morris, 1998) - drug trfficking nd the potentil for violence ssocited with it: different wys of drug trfficking my led to misunderstnding between drug delers nd result in nti-socil conducts such s street fights, robberies or murder; - noise (from loud music, crowds nd trffic): usully clubs re situted in one re specificlly llocted for night life; however there re clubs tht my be creted in plces where people live which will cuse problems in terms of noises t night s well s other outcomes of nti-socil behviour resulted from drug nd lcohol use; (Morris, 1998) - driving under the influence: this is the problem tht oftentimes results in cr ccidents. In view of the bove finding nd the resercher's interest in further evlution nd detection of problem re, the proposed explntory reserch study is imed to investigte the following subject: nticiption of nti socil behviour nd violent conduct t UK night clubs Generlly, the problem tht is rised in this pper concerns the connection of lcohol nd drugs use nd violent behviour. From one side it is regrded the problem of using clubbers' drugs rther thn lcohol in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Managing Paediatric Illness and Injury Essay Example for Free

Managing Paediatric Illness and Injury Essay 1. Describe the common types of fractures and how to manage them. Broken bone. Based on the location and severity of the fracture, a broken bone usually must be set into position and supported until it is strong enough to bear weight. Your physician will recommend the most proven treatment approach, usually casting or surgery 2. Describe how to manage a dislocation Relieve pain around the dislocation by applying a cold pack to the area; this will also reduce swelling that can add to discomfort injury. Keep joint immobile and do not try to push the bone back in place. Offer ibuprofens if in severe pain, monitor the patient until the professionals arrive. 3. Describe how to recognise and manage the following head injuries: A concussion: you get dizziness, nausea, loss of memory, mild headache, seeing stars, double vision, numbness and lack of hand-eye coordination. B skull fracture: you will probably see an external wound or bruise on the head and there may be a depression visible on the scalp. Check behind the ears for swelling or bruising. There may be loss of clear fluid or watery blood through an eye or nostril, blood in the white of the eye, a black-eye, and the symmetry of the head or face may be disrupted. The responsiveness of the victim may deteriorate C cerebral compression: levels of response deteriorate; headaches tend to be intense; noisy, slowed, or irregular breathing; pupil sizes unequal; paralysis or weakness on one side of the body or face; drowsiness; temperature spike, fever, or flushed face; personality changes 4. Describe how to manage an infant and a child with foreign bodies in their eyes, ears and nose. If a child gets sand, dust, or paint in their eyes, then we can try removing it ourselves, firstly wear clean pair of disposable gloves, and gently pull the bottom eye lid down, and with a clean wet tissue try to clean the eye, and if that don’t work, then try to wash the eye out with water, position the child’s head over the sink or bowl with eye open and wash the eye out using plastic cup, try to pour the water for the side of the eye, if this still don’t work then go to the nearest walking centre. There are several things that can get stuck in  ears and nose, common ones like batteries, beads, nuts. If a child does get anything small stuck in their nose or ear, unless it can easily be pulled out with a firm grip then go for it, if not don’t try because you may end up pushing it further back and making it difficult, in these kind of situations you need to call a first aider, or take the child to the nearest walking centre to get it removed. 5. Describe how to recognise and manage common eye injuries Eye injuries can range from relatively trivial, such as irritating the eye with shampoo, to extremely serious, resulting in permanent loss of vision. Common causes of eye injuries include, something like a small particle of grit or a twig damages the transparent front part of the eye known as the cornea – this type of injury is known as a corneal abrasion. A foreign body such as a small piece of wood or metal gets stuck in the eye. A sudden blow to the eye, from a fist or a cricket ball for example, causes the middle section of the eye (the uvea) to become swollen – this type of injury is known as traumatic uveitis. Wash your eyes out for 20 minutes if you think they have been exposed to a chemical. Ideally, you should wash the eye with saline solution, but tap water will be fine if saline is unavailable. Use plenty of water. Water from a garden hose or water fountain is okay if youre outside. Then go immediately to your nearest AE department. Its also important to go t o AE if you cut your eye and it starts bleeding or if you have something stuck in your eye. Never try to remove anything from your eye as you could damage it. 6. Describe how to recognise and manage chronic medical conditions including:a. Sickle cell anaemia. Sickle cell disease is an inherited disorder in which red blood cells are abnormally shaped. This abnormality can result in painful episodes, serious infections, chronic anaemia, and damage to body organs. These complications can, however, vary from person to person depending on the type of sickle cell disease each has. Some people are relatively healthy and others are hospitalized frequently. But thanks to advancements in early diagnosis and treatment, most kids born with this disorder grow up to live relatively healthy and productive lives. b. Diabetes The main symptoms of diabetes are: feeling very thirsty urinating frequently, particularly at night feeling very tired weight loss and loss of muscle bulk Type 1 diabetes can develop quickly, over weeks or even days. Many people have type 2 diabetes for years without realising because early symptoms tend to be general. The amount of sugar in the blood is usually controlled by a hormone called insulin, which is produced by the pancreas (a gland behind the stomach). When food is digested and enters your bloodstream, insulin moves glucose out of the blood and into cells, where it is broken down to produce energy. However, if you have diabetes, your body is unable to break down glucose into energy. This is because there is either not enough insulin to move the glucose, or the insulin produced does not work properly. c. asthma Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways. These are the small tubes, called bronchi, which carry air in and out of the lungs. If you have asthma, the bronchi will be inflamed and more sensitive than normal. When you come into contact with something that irritates your lungs, known as a trigger, your airways become narrow, the muscles around them tighten and there is an increase in the production of sticky mucus. This leads to symptoms including: Difficulty breathing Wheezing and coughing A tight chest. While there is no cure for asthma, there are a number of treatments that can help effectively control the condition. Treatment is based on two important goals: Relieving symptoms Preventing future symptoms and attacks from developing Treatment and prevention involves a combination of medicines, lifestyle advice, and identifying and then avoiding potential asthma triggers. Read more about living with asthma. 7. Describe how to recognise and manage serious sudden illnesses including a. Meningitis Viral meningitis usually gets better within a couple of weeks, with plenty of rest and painkillers for the headache. Bacterial meningitis is treated with antibiotics (medication that treats infections caused by bacteria). Treatment will require admission to hospital, with severe cases treated in an intensive care unit so the bodys vital functions can be supported. The best way to prevent meningitis is by ensuring vaccinations are up-to-date. Children in the UK should receive the available vaccines as part of the childhood vaccination programme. b. Febrile convulsions Febrile seizures are also sometimes called febrile convulsions. During most seizures the childs body becomes stiff, they lose consciousness and their arms and legs twitch. Some children may wet themselves. This is whats known as a tonic colonic seizure. If your child is having a febrile seizure, place them in the recovery position. Lay them on their side, on a soft surface, with their face turned to one side. This will stop them swallowing any vomit. It will keep their airway open and help to prevent injury. Stay with your child and try to make a note of how long it lasts. If it is your childs first seizure, or it lasts longer than five minutes, take them to the nearest hospital as soon as possible or call 999 for an ambulance. While it is unlikely that there is anything seriously wrong, it is best to be sure. If your child has had febrile seizures before and the seizure lasts for less than five minutes. Try not to put anything, including medication, in your child’s mouth duri ng a seizure as there is a slight chance that they might bite their tongue. Almost all children make a complete recovery, and there is not a single reported case of a child dying as the direct result of a febrile seizure. 8. Describe how to recognise and treat the effects of extreme cold and extreme heat for an infant and a child. When a child has an extreme cold the signs and symptoms are Shivering in the early stages Cold, pale and dry skin Low temperature 35 degrees or less Irrational behaviour, slow shallow breathing Cold to touch Unusually quite Refuses to feed Treatment for this will be to remove and replace wet clothing, wrap in a warm blanket cover their head place in a warm room. Give them a hot drink only if they can hold the cup. If it’s a baby then warm them up slowly and place them in a warm room, use your body heat to warm them, and seek for medical advice. When a infant or child has an extreme heat the signs and symptoms could be Gradual onset Sweating, cold, clammy skin Dizziness, confusion, headache Cramps in limbs and or abdomen Shallow rapid breathing, nausea Treatment for this is Reassure, remove casualty to cool place Lie down with legs raised If conscious encourage to sip plenty of fluids If recovery is rapid advise them to see the doctor If unconscious put them in recovery and call 999 for ambulance

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Gringo by Sophie Treadwell :: Essays Papers

Gringo by Sophie Treadwell As a journalist in 1920 for the New York Herald Tribune, Sophie Treadwell was assigned to go to Mexico to follow the situation after the Mexican Revolution. (Mexican Revolution 1910-1917) She covered many important aspects of the Mexican Revolution during this time, including relations between the U.S. and Mexico. She was even permitted an interview with Pancho Villa in August 1921 at his headquarters. This interview and other events that she experienced in Mexico are presumably what led her to write the play Gringo. In Gringo Treadwell tries to depict the stereotypical and prejudicial attitudes that Mexicans and Americans have about each other. There is a demonstration of how Mexican women are looked at in the Mexican culture and how they see themselves. The play also corresponds to similar events that occurred during the Mexican Revolution. Sophie Treadwell was born on October 3, 1885 in Stockton, California. She is known mostly as a playwright, but wrote in various other genres also. Her written works not only include plays, but also books and novels, fiction and non-fiction. Her journalism career was quite successful. Her commentaries and articles were always captivating to the public eye. Sophie frequently followed sensational stories in the news, some of which gained much acclaim, one being her interview with Pancho Villa. Gringo was written in 1922 and premiered on December 12, 1922. Gringo became a sensation on Broadway soon after it was written. This play has three acts that all take place in Mexico between the lives of Mexicans and Americans. The first act of Gringo takes place at a mine that is owned by an American named Don Juan Chivers. The mine is located in Mexico where Mr. Chivers discovers what he assumes is a new ore deposit. Mr. Chivers has a daughter named Besita (meaning "The Little Kiss") who is half-Mexican by a Mexican mother. Besita's mother is not around. There are several ironies found in the character of Mr. Chivers throughout this play. Mr. Chivers constantly talks down to the Mexican workers at the mine, on the other hand, he also show kindness to them by taking care of a wounded mine worker. He demonstrates a sort of superiority about himself and the fact that he is an American.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Essay -- Education Teaching Teachers Essays

Teaching Philosophy Education, as well as children, has always been very important to me. My favorite game to play growing up was always â€Å"school†. I would recruit my stuffed animals and dolls to be my â€Å"students†. Every evening when I got home from school I would spend countless hours making lesson plans, tests, and grading papers for my â€Å"students†. Now that I’m all grown up and taking the necessary steps to become an educator, I’m still as excited and enthusiastic about teaching as I was when I was a little girl. After completing my undergraduate degree in elementary education, I plan to start working on my master’s degree right away. Although I would eventually like to teach education courses at a college or university, I want to have my own classroom first. One of my goals as an elementary school teacher is to get children hooked on learning at an early age. Having an education is one of the most valuable things anyone can possess. Through an education one learns to read, write, and to do arithmetic. These three R’s are essential to get by in our world today. An education can also help to improve one’s quality of life. The more education that one has, a lot of times it means the better paying job that they can get. As a teacher I want to give all of my students an equal opportunity to learn, no matter what their ability is. I also hope to get my students interested in learning from an early age. I hope that through teaching I can give...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Human Population and Population Growth

In early years human population and population growth has not been an issue. This is because of the variety of different environmental factors. Sickness and disease has played a large role in keeping human population under control since the beginning of time. It seemed that when a population would get over crowded an epidemic such as, the influenza or small pox would break out. This would drastically decrease the population enough that it would be under control again. Famine is another great controller of population. When a famine strikes an area only the few with enough food will be able to reproduce or even survive. An examination of world population control would not be complete with out including war. War also performs wonders at controlling population by murdering most men of child rearing age. In today†s day and age, with our current technology increases disease outbreak and famine (except in some 3rd world countries) is not much of a factor any more. War is not considered a valid population control method due to today†s â€Å"new† wars. Without the three largest population controllers much of a factor any more, population is free to run out of control. This provides us with an ever-increasing controversy; this is whether government or society should dictate family size. I believe that society can infringe indirect controls over family size, but these are considered more community norms as opposed to hard fast rules such as governments can set. Two examples will follow. First, we will look at our society. Yes, the USA†s turn to no child and one-child families. This was caused by society. Society pushes Americans to have successful careers both male and female. There has been a switch from families to careers. This does not providing Americans with the time or means for multiple children, but cutting the number down to one or none. Another example of society's control is the push in some Asian/Middle Eastern countries for a family†s first child to be male. Even when there is no government regulation many cultures push for your first child to be male. This forces families to abort females and even murder them once they have been born. Once again this is a society/cultural push not a mandated rule. These instances are what different societies have created for themselves, when included in one of these societies it is hard to say whether it is right or wrong. I will first address the aspect that government should not control family size. First of all, it is a natural and religious right to produce offspring. Breed, multiply and populate has been the belief since the beginning of time. The idea is to grow population so that our beliefs and way of life may be spread and passed on. Who is government to take these right away? Governmental control over family size goes against everything that the USA stands for. This would be an age-old idea called freedom. When a government starts dictating the kind and size of family a person can have. Almost all freedom is lost. Another topic briefly addressed above is the aborting and murdering of babies that aren†t male. A first hand example of this is China. China regulates or gives incentives to families that only produce one child. This is where the problem begins because most families want this child to be male. Male children are providers and will go out and join the working world. They will be â€Å"successful†. Many female babies are aborted once sex is determined. If sex is not determined before birth, once born many female babies are abandoned or destroyed. This showing the cruelty that government controlled family size will push people to. Government should control family size because in most instances the general population cannot handle this for themselves. A prime example of this is our already over crowded inner cities. People with chemical addictions and no financial means are cranking out babies right and left. They have no means of providing for all of these children. Government currently provides for these under privileged children, that as cruel as it sounds, should not have been born. I have had a first hand example of this problem. A family friend in another state has adopted three crack babies from the same mother; this mother is also on welfare. This certain mother is by no means an exception. China is another example of why government needs to control population. Look at the current problems that they are faced with because in previous years they have done nothing. Left uncontrolled, population will snowball out of control. Government needs to be aware of the ever -increasing population growth problem. I believe that rather that mandating how many children a family can have. They should educate its population on different means of birth control and possibly start providing for free. Especially in this country a harsher penalties needs to be imposed for chemical dependent mothers that become baby factories. An education/management plan can be imposed allowing individuals the freedom to determine the number of children they desire to have.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Transformation Of Shell

The Transformation of Shell In the 1990’s, international environmentalists, human rights activists, and shareholder campaigns all asking for change bombarded Shell Oil Company. Shell was in the midst of dramatically changing in hopes to â€Å"become an organization in which financial, social, and environmental performance are equally valued and fully integrated†.1 A product organizational structure was introduced in 1995 to replace the matrix structure that had been used since the 1950’s. The restructuring and external pressures on the company led to the implementation of some initiatives that tried to improve Shell’s social and environmental performance. These initiatives included: a report titled Society’s Changing Expectations, and changes to business practices, reporting practices, and stakeholder relations. Even with all these changes, Shell’s reputation is worse than it has ever been. The SEC is investigating the over reporting of 3.9 billion barrels of oil in the reserves, and the CFO, Judith Boynton has resigned.2 I believe Shell’s changes were just intended to influence the public’s perception of the company. There were three incidences in the mid 1990’s that led to negative publicity for Shell. Greenpeace was the largest environmental organization and opposed Shell’s disposal plans of a large oil storage and loading buoy called Brent Spar. The large platform was going to be sunk in the ocean, after local officers removed Greenpeace activists that had stationed themselves aboard to protest.1 With all the press coverage, Shell revised their plan and decided to recycle the buoy into a Ro/Ro ferry in Norway. The Body Shop International, the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth were also teaming up to spread negative advertising protesting Shell. These organizations were outraged that Shell would not take responsibility for their oil spills on the Ogoni land in Nigeria, which Shell has been drilling ... Free Essays on The Transformation Of Shell Free Essays on The Transformation Of Shell The Transformation of Shell In the 1990’s, international environmentalists, human rights activists, and shareholder campaigns all asking for change bombarded Shell Oil Company. Shell was in the midst of dramatically changing in hopes to â€Å"become an organization in which financial, social, and environmental performance are equally valued and fully integrated†.1 A product organizational structure was introduced in 1995 to replace the matrix structure that had been used since the 1950’s. The restructuring and external pressures on the company led to the implementation of some initiatives that tried to improve Shell’s social and environmental performance. These initiatives included: a report titled Society’s Changing Expectations, and changes to business practices, reporting practices, and stakeholder relations. Even with all these changes, Shell’s reputation is worse than it has ever been. The SEC is investigating the over reporting of 3.9 billion barrels of oil in the reserves, and the CFO, Judith Boynton has resigned.2 I believe Shell’s changes were just intended to influence the public’s perception of the company. There were three incidences in the mid 1990’s that led to negative publicity for Shell. Greenpeace was the largest environmental organization and opposed Shell’s disposal plans of a large oil storage and loading buoy called Brent Spar. The large platform was going to be sunk in the ocean, after local officers removed Greenpeace activists that had stationed themselves aboard to protest.1 With all the press coverage, Shell revised their plan and decided to recycle the buoy into a Ro/Ro ferry in Norway. The Body Shop International, the Sierra Club and Friends of the Earth were also teaming up to spread negative advertising protesting Shell. These organizations were outraged that Shell would not take responsibility for their oil spills on the Ogoni land in Nigeria, which Shell has been drilling ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on The Wrong Heroes

Vegeta or Rooney? Society today is full of children looking for a hero. It’s a sad day when those heroes are cartoons and action figures. The media always try to find the latest and dirtiest scoops about our football, baseball, basketball and even tennis players. Children hear these scoops everywhere. From TV, newspapers and the Internet sportsmen are portrayed as bad people. Society needs heroes if it wants its children to look up to someone worthy. Rather than Buzz Lightyear and G.I. Joe, the children could be looking up to Michael Jordan and John Elway. If the media stopped sticking their nose in everyone’s business, we would have more heroes to look up to. Children should look up to sports figures despite their crimes. Parents are constantly ranting on about how Brett Favre can catch a ball. Children should be able to look up to those people without disappointment. No one is perfect. So, why must media show the world that Emmit Smith stole something or got caught doing drugs? It is the sports player prerogative what they wish to do. For the children’s sake the media should stop making everyone look bad. Children look up to parents. So, why would the media not find out everything about them and put it on TV? Let’s take away more heroes! The media already fool us enough. Maybe, they will think about making us fools in a better way. The media should use our naive ness to make people look heroic. Instead, they trash any hope we or our children have in finding someone worthy of heroism. Most television viewers are children; mainly cartoon and sports. Kids remember cartoon characters better than sport’s figures. Yes, the pikachu fights better and has special powers. If TV got sport’s figures to appear more interesting and worthy of heroism, they would be more likely to look up to them. Instead, children run around punching and pushing eachother. Because they would rather be Vegeta from Dragon... Free Essays on The Wrong Heroes Free Essays on The Wrong Heroes Vegeta or Rooney? Society today is full of children looking for a hero. It’s a sad day when those heroes are cartoons and action figures. The media always try to find the latest and dirtiest scoops about our football, baseball, basketball and even tennis players. Children hear these scoops everywhere. From TV, newspapers and the Internet sportsmen are portrayed as bad people. Society needs heroes if it wants its children to look up to someone worthy. Rather than Buzz Lightyear and G.I. Joe, the children could be looking up to Michael Jordan and John Elway. If the media stopped sticking their nose in everyone’s business, we would have more heroes to look up to. Children should look up to sports figures despite their crimes. Parents are constantly ranting on about how Brett Favre can catch a ball. Children should be able to look up to those people without disappointment. No one is perfect. So, why must media show the world that Emmit Smith stole something or got caught doing drugs? It is the sports player prerogative what they wish to do. For the children’s sake the media should stop making everyone look bad. Children look up to parents. So, why would the media not find out everything about them and put it on TV? Let’s take away more heroes! The media already fool us enough. Maybe, they will think about making us fools in a better way. The media should use our naive ness to make people look heroic. Instead, they trash any hope we or our children have in finding someone worthy of heroism. Most television viewers are children; mainly cartoon and sports. Kids remember cartoon characters better than sport’s figures. Yes, the pikachu fights better and has special powers. If TV got sport’s figures to appear more interesting and worthy of heroism, they would be more likely to look up to them. Instead, children run around punching and pushing eachother. Because they would rather be Vegeta from Dragon...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

County of Allegheny v. ACLU Greater Pittsburgh Chapter (1989)

County of Allegheny v. ACLU Greater Pittsburgh Chapter (1989) Background Information This case looked at the constitutionality of two holiday displays in downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. One was a creche standing on the grand staircase of the Allegheny County Courthouse, a very prominent position in the courthouse and readily visible by all who entered. The creche included figures of Joseph, Mary, Jesus, animals, shepherds, and an angel bearing a huge banner with the words Gloria in Excelsis Deo! (Glory to in the Highest) emblazoned upon it. Next to it was a sign stating This Display Donated by the Holy Name Society (a Catholic organization). The other display was a block away in a building jointly owned by both the city and the county. It was an 18-foot tall Hanukkah menorah donated by a group of Lubavitcher Hasidim (an ultra-orthodox branch of Judaism). With the menorah was a 45-foot tall Christmas tree, at the base of which was a sign stating Salute to Liberty. Some local residents, supported by the ACLU, filed suit claiming that both displays violated the . A Court of Appeals agreed and ruled that both displays violated of the First Amendment because they endorsed religion. Fast Facts: County of Allegheny v. ACLU of Greater Pittsburgh Chapter Case Argued: February 22, 1989Decision Issued:  July 2, 1989Petitioner: County of AlleghenyRespondent:   American Civil Liberties Union, Greater Pittsburgh ChapterKey Question: Did two public-sponsored holiday displays- one a nativity scene, the other a menorah- constitute state endorsement of religion which would be in violation of the Establishment Clause  of the First Amendment?Majority Decision: Justices Brennan, Marshall, Blackmun, Scalia, and KennedyDissenting: Justices Rehnquist, White, Stevens, and O’ConnorRuling: The location and messaging of the display determined whether or not it was in violation of the Establishment Clause. The prominent display of the crà ¨che with wording directly in praising the birth of Jesus sent a clear message that the county supported and promoted that religion. Due to its particular physical setting, the menorah display was deemed constitutionally legitimate. Court Decision Arguments were made on February 22, 1989. On July 3, 1989, the court ruled 5 to 4 (to strike) and 6 to 3 (to uphold). This was a deeply and unusually fragmented Court Decision, but in the final analysis the Court ruled that while the creche was unconstitutional, the menorah display was not. Although in the Court used the three-part Lemon test to allow a city in Rhode Island to display a creche as part of a holiday display, the same did not hold here because the Pittsburgh display was not used in conjunction with other secular, seasonal decorations. Lynch had established what came to be called the plastic reindeer rule of secular context which the creche failed. Due to this independence along with the prominent place which the creche occupied (thus signaling government endorsement), the display was determined by Justice Blackmun in his plurality opinion to have a specific religious purpose. The fact that the creche was created by a private organization did not eliminate the apparent endorsement by the government of the display. Moreover, the placement of the display in such a prominent position emphasized the message of supporting religion.The creche scene stood on the grand staircase of a courthouse alone. The Supreme Court said: ...the creche sits on the Grand Staircase, the main and most beautiful part of the building that is the seat of county government. No viewer could reasonably think that it occupies this location without the support and approval of the government.Thus, by permitting the display of the creche in this particular physical setting, the county sends an unmistakable message that it supports and promotes the Christian praise to God that is the creches religious message... The Establishment Clause does not limit only the religious content of the governments own communications. It also prohibits the governments support and promotion of religious communications by religious organizations. Unlike the creche, however, the menorah on display was not determined to have an exclusively religious message. The menorah was placed next to a Christmas tree and a sign saluting liberty which the Court found important. Instead of endorsing any religious group, this display with the menorah recognized the holidays as part of the same winter-holiday season. Thus, the display in its entirety did not appear to endorse or disapprove of any religion, and the menorah was permitted to remain. With regards to the menorah, the Supreme Court said: is not sufficiently likely that residents of Pittsburgh will perceive the combined display of the tree, the sign, and the menorah as an endorsement or disapproval ...of their individual religious choices. While an adjudication of the displays effect must taken into account the perspective of one who is neither Christian nor Jewish, as well as of those who adhere to either of these religions, ibid., the constitutionality of its effect must also be judged according to the standard of a reasonable observer. ...When measured against this standard, the menorah need not be excluded from this particular display.The Christmas tree alone in the Pittsburgh location does not endorse Christian belief; and, on the facts before us, the addition of the menorah cannot fairly be understood to result in the simultaneous endorsement of Christian and Jewish faiths. On the contrary, for purposes of the Establishment Clause, the citys overall display must be understood as conveying the citys secular recognition of different traditions for celebrating the winter-holiday season. This was a curious conclusion because the Chabad, the Hasidic sect which owned the menorah, celebrated Chanukah as a religious holiday and advocated the display of their menorah as part of their mission of proselytizing. Also, there was a clear record of lighting the menorah in religious ceremonies - but this was ignored by the Court because the ACLU failed to bring it up. It is also interesting that Blackmun went to some length to argue that the menorah should be interpreted in light of the tree rather than the other way around. No real justification is offered for this perspective, and it is interesting to wonder what the decision would have been had the menorah been larger than the tree, rather than the actual situation where the tree was the larger of the two. In a sharply worded dissent, Justice Kennedy denounced the Lemon test used to evaluate the religious displays and argued that ...any test which might invalidate longstanding traditions cannot be a proper reading of the [Establishment] Clause. In other words, tradition - even if it includes and support of sectarian religious messages - must trump evolving understandings of religious freedom. Justice OConnor, in her concurring opinion, responded: Justice Kennedy submits that the endorsement test is inconsistent with our precedents and traditions because, in his words, if it were applied without artificial exceptions for historical practice, it would invalidate many traditional practices recognizing the role of religion in our society.This criticism shortchanges both the endorsement test itself and my explanation of the reason why certain long standing government acknowledgments of religion do not, under that test, convey a message of endorsement. Practices such as legislative prayers or opening Court sessions with God save the United States and this honorable Court serve the secular purposes of solemnizing public occasions and expressing confidence in the future.These examples of ceremonial deism do not survive Establishment Clause scrutiny simply by virtue of their historical longevity alone. Historical acceptance of a practice does not in itself validate that practice under the Establishment Clause if the practice violates the values protected by that Clause, just as historical acceptance of racial or gender based discrimination does not immunize such practices from scrutiny under the Fourteenth Amendment. Justice Kennedys dissent also argued that prohibiting the government from celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday is, itself, a discrimination against Christians. In response to this, Blackmun wrote in the majority opinion that: Celebrating Christmas as a religious, as opposed to a secular, holiday, necessarily entails professing, proclaiming, or believing that Jesus of Nazareth, born in a manger in Bethlehem, is the Christ, the Messiah. If the government celebrates Christmas as a religious holiday (for example, by issuing an official proclamation saying: We rejoice in the glory of Christs birth!), it means that the government really is declaring Jesus to be the Messiah, a specifically Christian belief.In contrast, confining the governments own celebration of Christmas to the holidays secular aspects does not favor the religious beliefs of non-Christians over those of Christians. Rather, it simply permits the government to acknowledge the holiday without expressing an allegiance to Christian beliefs, an allegiance that would truly favor Christians over non-Christians. To be sure, some Christians may wish to see the government proclaim its allegiance to Christianity in a religious celebration of Christmas, bu t the Constitution does not permit the gratification of that desire, which would contradict the the logic of secular liberty it is the purpose of the Establishment Clause to protect. Significance Although it seemed to do otherwise, this decision basically permitted the existence of competing religious symbols, conveying a message of accommodation of religious plurality. While a single symbol standing alone might be unconstitutional, its inclusion with other secular/seasonal decorations may offset an apparent endorsement of a religious message. As a result, communities which desire holiday decorations must now create a display that does not send the message of endorsing a particular religion to the exclusion of others. Displays must contain a variety of symbols and be inclusive of differing perspectives. Perhaps equally important for future cases, however, was the fact that the four dissenters in Allegheny County would have upheld both the creche and menorah displays under a more relaxed, deferential standard. This position has gained a great deal of ground over the years following this decision. In addition, Kennedys Orwellian position that a failure to celebrate Christmas as a Christian holiday qualifies as discrimination against Christians has also become popular - it is, effectively, the logical conclusion of the accommodationist position that an absence of government support for religion is the same as government hostility towards religion. Naturally, such discrimination is only relevant when it comes to Christianity; the government fails to celebrate Ramadan as a religious holiday, but people who agree with Kennedys dissent are entirely unconcerned by that because Muslims are a minority.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Happiness can be achieved by anyone through improvement of character, Essay

Happiness can be achieved by anyone through improvement of character, meditation, and increasing generosity and kindness - Essay Example True happiness is beyond meaning and description. In his article â€Å"Happy Like God,† Critchley emphasizes the idea of happiness as something that even the French philosopher Rousseau could hardly define. This is because the beauty of the moment of happiness is something that is only likened to â€Å"a state where the soul can find a resting-place secure enough to establish itself and concentrate its entire being there† (Critchley 449). This is actually a time where â€Å"the present runs on indefinitely† and where the past and the future do not matter yet it is something that no one can define as just the present (449). It is therefore true that â€Å"happiness is not quantitative or measurable and it is not the object of any science, old or new† (450). This means that, for Critchley, happiness is something that can never be gauged for not only does happiness depend on the person who is feeling it but also it depends on the value of the present moment a nd how each person defines that moment for him. The experience and the feeling one has naturally cannot be quantified and cannot even be expressed in words. Nevertheless, it is closest to the term â€Å"feeling of existence,† or the time when someone feels the moment that he exists and he experiences such happiness (450). Moreover, although unquantifiable, this moment of happiness is very much sufficient. In fact, Rousseau defines such a state of happiness as a God-like state: â€Å"as long as this state lasts we are self sufficient like God† (450). This is therefore the highest state of things, or the state where one does not want anything else but to be in such a feeling or such a state. Nevertheless, happiness in any form defies measurement. Happiness is also an experience of appreciation and reflection of things and people in one’s life. While Critchley and Rousseau would equate this appreciation and reflection with being alone in the experience of stillness , there were once people like the Greek philosopher Epictetus, who thought that happiness is also one’s experience of stillness but this stillness is wisdom, and such wisdom is not about being alone but being aware of how to deal with others. For Epictetus, the lack of wisdom and reason makes one either a sheep or a wild beast, which is what most people are. A sheep will naturally simply â€Å"act gluttonously†¦lewdly†¦rashly, filthily [and] inconsiderately,† while a wild beast would normally act â€Å"harmfully, passionately [and] violently† (Epictetus). The wisdom that Epictetus means must be similar to the wisdom that Rousseau realized when he thought of a God-like state of existence, only that Epictetus’ wisdom is directed towards one’s fellowman. Moreover, according to Epictetus, if people lack wisdom, they tend to worry about and change things that are beyond their control, such as â€Å"What would others think?† or â€Å"Wh at would others say if I did this?† and they then cease being happy. They do not anymore experience that blissful God-like state that Rousseau described earlier. The point of Epictetus is that no matter how intelligent or good someone is, if he does not possess wisdom, he will always be swayed by other people’s influence as well as by his opinions of the things over which he has no control. Therefore, if one lacks wisdom, one lacks contentment and happiness, and

Friday, October 18, 2019

What does it mean to adhere to a monotheistic theology in Judaism, Essay

What does it mean to adhere to a monotheistic theology in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, other than a basic belief in a unique and singular agent pre-existent and uncreated deity. Compare and contrast - Essay Example Additionally, the differences and similarities in the three religions portray the varied way in which each approach the concept of monotheism as the discussion below portrays. Al the three religions believe in the existence of God, a supernatural being who created the earth and therefore controls all the activities. The three religions contend in the position and role of God. Such is therefore a paramount similarity in the three religions thus upholding the values of monotheism as discussed earlier. The religions present God as the all-knowing and ever present but just and fair being who accords everyone space and time to act independently thus enjoy life on earth. The doctrines of the religions uphold and respect the position of God whose works and manifestations occur at varied levels. Another equally important similarity of the three religions is the existence of canons that detest sin. The religions have holy books that records and outline the position of God thus providing the adherents with a systematic way of interacting with God at varied levels. Christians have a bible while the Muslims have the holy Quran. Such are essential books that outline the relationship between God and humans besides providing the specific religious values. In the three religions, God provide a list of testaments that guide human behavior. Through the commandments, God doe not only influence the interaction among humans but also between humans and Himself. Christianity introduces a concept of the holy trinity. While the religion remains monotheist, it has the position of two other important beings who enjoy God’s glory. He three thus appears as one. The Holy Spirit is part of the holy trinity, this refers to the spirit that guides the adherents of the faith on a daily basis, Jesus Christ is the son of God who came down to earth to share

How the French in the United States View the Americans Essay

How the French in the United States View the Americans - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that considering the different historical economic affiliations of France and United States, citizens from these two countries have different opinions concerning social, economic and political views of each other. France is known to have supported communism ideologies while the United States supported capitalism hence the different perspectives held by the citizens of both countries. To start with, according to the reading, money is described as the ultimate value in America. This is because people who make fortune in America are very respectable compared to those in France. In America, it does not matter how the rich make money, whether, in suspicious or genuine ways, the fact remains that the rich are respectable and are seen as hardworking citizens. On the other hand, the French do not value money greatly. They only require money for their survival and having a lot of money does not earn people respect in France. Secondly, the work cultu re is different in the two countries. According to the reading, the Americans are strict in terms of time management, execution of commands and also limit social associations at workplaces. This is in contrast with the French people who have relaxed rules at their workplace and encourage social relations. Thirdly, the choice of food is different in the two countries. According to the reading, Americans like to have fast foods as opposed to the French who enjoy having quality meals. This is shown by the increased number of fast food restaurants in America.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Arab-Israeli War of 1948 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - Essay Example Observers claim that the Arab nations were not satisfied with the UN ruling, which they criticized greatly on the basis of great imbalance on the partition. Most Arabs claimed that the partition plan did not adequately balance the two groups. More so the Arabs, whom they claimed to, have been the majority. The UN voted in favor of the partition, ruling that the British were to terminate their mandate in Palestine in order to pave way for the partition to be implemented. Avi (1998) continue to argue that by the beginning of the Second World War; most Arab countries were under the strong influence of their colonial masters. Most notably were British and the French groups. He point out that Jordan in particular remained under the strong influence of the British thus acquired arms supply and military training. The Arabs countries joined hand to form the Arab league, which was mandated to coordinate the policies between their states after independence. According to Gelber (2006), the UN p artition plan was unanimously rejected by the Arab League of Nations. They declared holy war (jihad) upon all the Jews both in the Arab states and those living in Israel. He further claims that by 1940, most Jews had flown back to Israel from the Arab states fearing being persecuted. Consequently, he adds that the Arabs in Israel were encouraged to leave the country with a promise of returning after they purge the Jews land. Gelber (2006) estimates the number of Jews refugees running from the Arab states to be around one million (1,000,000), and that of Arabs from Israel to have been around three hundred and forty three thousand (343,000). War triggered a mass exodus from the Arab states. It is claimed that the Jews easily integrated in their mother country thus the claims that most Jews today are descendants of the Jews from the Arabic countries. However, it is also argued that, intentionally, the Arabs did not integrate their fellow Arabs who had escaped from Israel following war outbreak. During the initial stages of the Arab-Israel war, Avi (1998) observes that the British who were in control of Palestine, denied the Jews a chance to defend themselves. He further argues that this was done in many ways some of which were blocking those coming from other countries and denying them entry into Israel. Second, they outlawed Israel’s militia men as terrorists groups and denied them a chance to import weapons. In the mean time, it is argued that the British were supplying arms to the Arab countries and freely allowed them into Palestine. This is argued to have greatly compromised the Jewish ability to defend themselves against the Arabs. This continued until the British mandate was terminated. By February Benny (2008) observes that the Palestinian informed the UN Security Council that the partition plan could not be carried out without military aid. Because of the long process to come up with a defense force, the situation in Palestine got out of control. Benny claims that this resulted as disagreements raged the formation of the military forces without incorporating the support of the major powers. Consequently, war broke out in Palestine. He further states that the UN council blamed the Arabs for the war outbreak, with most of the western and European countries condemned Israel’s’ invasion by the Arabs. The British and the Palestine denied the UN Palestine Commission access to resolve the war crisis. Avi (1998) points out that, despite all the mounting pressure in Palestine, the UN did not suspend the partition plan. As a result, Israel

Works of Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet Essay

Works of Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet - Essay Example Gogh and Monet both had their own distinct styles of painting. Claude Monet was born in 1840 on November 14 in Paris. He grew up in LeHaver, near the sea. As a young boy he was a very good artist and his pictures were hung on the windows of art supply stores. Monet often traveled to France to paint. Monet had an impressionist style of painting. His favorite five things to paint were wheat stack, cathedrals, gardens, lily pond and Japanese bridge. Monet died in 1926 in Giverny. He was famous for French impressionist paintings. Many people came to his funeral. Unlike many artists, he was famous even before he died. His famous paintings include Morning Haze, Marine near Etretat and Lily Pond. Vincent Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. He worked at many jobs, such as at an art gallery, a school, a bookstore, as a preacher, and at last, he became an artist. His life was not much happy and he usually painted sad paintings with poor people in them. His paintings were always very dark until he saw some colorful Japanese paintings. After which he started painting happier paintings. He usually worked in postimpressionist style. But still his life was filled with sad events and his last painting was â€Å"wheat fields with crow† after which he shot himself. He is known as Dutch postimpressionist painter. His famous paintings include The Starry Night and Wheatfield with Crows. Claude Monet was an impressionist painter. Impressionist arts were painted as if someone just took a quick look at the subject of the painting. They were in bold colors and did not have much detail. The paintings in these styles were usually outdoor scenes like landscapes.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Arab-Israeli War of 1948 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - Essay Example Observers claim that the Arab nations were not satisfied with the UN ruling, which they criticized greatly on the basis of great imbalance on the partition. Most Arabs claimed that the partition plan did not adequately balance the two groups. More so the Arabs, whom they claimed to, have been the majority. The UN voted in favor of the partition, ruling that the British were to terminate their mandate in Palestine in order to pave way for the partition to be implemented. Avi (1998) continue to argue that by the beginning of the Second World War; most Arab countries were under the strong influence of their colonial masters. Most notably were British and the French groups. He point out that Jordan in particular remained under the strong influence of the British thus acquired arms supply and military training. The Arabs countries joined hand to form the Arab league, which was mandated to coordinate the policies between their states after independence. According to Gelber (2006), the UN p artition plan was unanimously rejected by the Arab League of Nations. They declared holy war (jihad) upon all the Jews both in the Arab states and those living in Israel. He further claims that by 1940, most Jews had flown back to Israel from the Arab states fearing being persecuted. Consequently, he adds that the Arabs in Israel were encouraged to leave the country with a promise of returning after they purge the Jews land. Gelber (2006) estimates the number of Jews refugees running from the Arab states to be around one million (1,000,000), and that of Arabs from Israel to have been around three hundred and forty three thousand (343,000). War triggered a mass exodus from the Arab states. It is claimed that the Jews easily integrated in their mother country thus the claims that most Jews today are descendants of the Jews from the Arabic countries. However, it is also argued that, intentionally, the Arabs did not integrate their fellow Arabs who had escaped from Israel following war outbreak. During the initial stages of the Arab-Israel war, Avi (1998) observes that the British who were in control of Palestine, denied the Jews a chance to defend themselves. He further argues that this was done in many ways some of which were blocking those coming from other countries and denying them entry into Israel. Second, they outlawed Israel’s militia men as terrorists groups and denied them a chance to import weapons. In the mean time, it is argued that the British were supplying arms to the Arab countries and freely allowed them into Palestine. This is argued to have greatly compromised the Jewish ability to defend themselves against the Arabs. This continued until the British mandate was terminated. By February Benny (2008) observes that the Palestinian informed the UN Security Council that the partition plan could not be carried out without military aid. Because of the long process to come up with a defense force, the situation in Palestine got out of control. Benny claims that this resulted as disagreements raged the formation of the military forces without incorporating the support of the major powers. Consequently, war broke out in Palestine. He further states that the UN council blamed the Arabs for the war outbreak, with most of the western and European countries condemned Israel’s’ invasion by the Arabs. The British and the Palestine denied the UN Palestine Commission access to resolve the war crisis. Avi (1998) points out that, despite all the mounting pressure in Palestine, the UN did not suspend the partition plan. As a result, Israel

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Graphic Design History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Graphic Design History - Essay Example Such effective printing technologies facilitated the reproduction of larger presses (Gomez-Palacio and Armin 54). Among the key media that arose from the advent of reproductive technologies was the poster. Printed on large wood types, posters became appropriate modes of advertising at the time. This way, the prominence of graphic design spread rapidly. Key among the artists who exploited the use of the new technologies in reproducing art was Jules Chà ©ret. The French painter and lithographer pioneered the growth of the Belle Époqueposter art and the â€Å"father of the modern poster.† The advent of the large poster era enhanced the growth of his art as he could now produce his work both in bulk and in large posters that reached a large audience. He for example created a collection entitled the  Maà ®tres de l’Affiche, which was a significant publication in the growth of the art. It consisted of smaller sized posters in which he featured the works of the early Persian artists. This relived the works thus enhancing the growth of graphic design. His works influenced the growth of both the poster and advertising industry thus creating space for other iconic artists such as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec among others. Enlisting soldiers into the First World War was a major undertaking that influenced the success of various countries. As such, countries devised appropriate ways of enhancing the spread of propaganda in order to attract recruits into the military besides enhancing the growth of nationalism by portraying the enemy in a negative way. Key among the media used in spreading such propaganda was posters. Graphic design helped create appropriate posters that conveyed specific messages. Propaganda posters grew in prominence as governments develop provocative message with the view to influencing public opinion thus increasing the number of citizens enlisting in the military or in changing the public’s view of the perceived enemy (Gomez-Palacio and Armin 121). In

Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana Essay Example for Free

Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana Essay Late Monday morning on August 29, 2005 a little more than 4 hours after Katrina slammed into New Orleans, and just hours after arriving in Baton Rouge, FEMA director and Bush the Younger’s childhood friend Michael Brown conducted a video conference briefing with the President who sat and listened quietly in Crawford Texas. Brown emphatically relayed to Bush, â€Å"This is, to put it mildly, the big one, I think. † Then Brown voiced his fear that â€Å"the government might not have the capacity to respond to a catastrophe within a catastrophe† The Superdome, he said was not equipped to be â€Å"a refuge of last resort. † The President asked no questions (A. P. 2006). Although Brown did a fairly decent job of trying to convey the potentially devastating nature of what was occurring, the real problem was that Brown had not been on the ground in Louisiana long enough to accurately understand the true impact of the storm (Brinkley 2006). By the time that he would come to realize that his lack of experience was simply no match for the enormity of this disaster, it may have been too late. The storm would ultimately leave 1,322 people dead, and 2,300 people missing in its wake (A. P. 2006). Two years later, in the autumn of 2007, FEMA and Michael Brown would be called upon again. First water and now fire had come to claim the day. What a difference a disaster would make. In the early afternoon of Tuesday October 23, 2007, at the Southwest D. C. offices of the Federal Emergency Management Administration, FEMA Deputy Administrator Admiral Harvey E. Johnson stepped up to a podium. He was there to give the national media a 1PM press briefing on the California wild fires that were currently raging throughout a large swath of land and threatening homes from Santa Barbra County to the US-Mexican border. The fires had been raging for three days. In time, they would force the largest civilian evacuation in the United States’ history, as one million residents of seven California counties were force to leave their homes. While the camera feeds fed the press conference to Fox News and MSNBC along with a few other news agencies, Johnson began fielding questions of a common variety. Someone wanted to know about the traffic of commodities coming into California. Another person asked how FEMA would deal with people who refused to evacuate. Then another person asked the Deputy Administrator â€Å"Are you happy with FEMA’s response so far? † And yet another one asked â€Å"Are there any lessons to be learned from Katrina? † â€Å"I am very happy with FEMA’s response so far, Johnson said [it’s a] very smoothly, very efficiently performing team †¦ And so I think what you’re really seeing here is the benefit of experience, the benefit of good leadership and the benefit of good partnership, none of which were present in Katrina. † (Kamen 2007) Johnson spoke like a true professional, answering all of their questions with a unique sense of cordiality. However, this was precisely because none of these people asking the questions were actually reporters at all. This was a staged event! It was not real! Due to fact that the Deputy Administrator’s office had botched the scheduling of this event, and ‘real’ pool reporters were only afforded a 15 minutes notice, none of them were able to show up. The FEMA staff decided to ‘fake a move’ (Ibid). Thus, while the cameras that were hooked up to their dedicated feeds were rolling in earnest, this was all a lie. Two day later, the gig was up! This ill-conceived stunt gained a staring role in the next few news cycles, which only served to bring back the haunting memories of the striking ineptness displayed by FEMA during the wrath of Hurricane Katrina. This immediately prompted Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff to comment, â€Å"I think it was one of the dumbest and most inappropriate things I’ve seen since I’ve been in government† (MSNBC 2007). White House Press Secretary Dana Perino was a bit more subdued in her criticism, â€Å"It is not a practice that we would employ here at the White House or that we we certainly don’t condone it† (Ibid). However, this was about as far as the analogies and the memories would be allowed to go. Twenty-four hours before Katrina made landfall, a FEMA executive in Denton Texas turned down a ‘Red High Priority’ plea for 300 Rubber Boats from the Louisiana Department of Wild Life and Fishing. The official simply scrawled â€Å"REQUEST DENIED† across the top of the document (Brinkley 2006). FEMA also turned down a U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service offer to save the lives of people who may have been stranded in Orleans, St. Bernard, and St. Tammany parishes. Furthermore, from his community in West Palm Beach Florida, Representative Mark Foley offered airplanes that were ‘on the ready’ to evacuate victims. So too, he was turned down as well. So it went with a host of reports stating that FEMA seemed strangely ambivalent to any kind of aid for Katrina victims (Ibid). Five months later, the Senate Homeland Security Committee which oversees the Department of Homeland Security of which FEMA is a part, released over 800,000 pages of memos, emails, strategy plans, and intradepartmental correspondence. These now public documents tell the shocking story of a government agency rife with ineptness. That Sunday before the storm, the U. S Department of the Interior offered substantial material aid of the sort that would naturally be needed in any disaster of this kind. They were also turned down. Senate Homeland Security Chairwoman Senator Susan Collins (R-Main) bristled at these findings, â€Å"That is incredible to me† she said (Ibid). No one seemed to understand why FEMA would turn down aid with a catastrophe of this magnitude, especially when it was being offered from a number of its own peer agencies. Even more riveting was the slew of reports that the U. S. government was refusing the massive amounts of aid offered from capitals around the world. From millions of dollars from citizens and governments in Europe, to barrels of oil from Venezuela; and 1600 disaster trained physicians from Cuba; the snubbing of this aid was mind-boggling (Ibid). What’s more, rumors continue to abound even until this day, after more than three years, of shocking scenes of official neglect that existed in New Orleans during those horror-filled hours in the immediate aftermath of Katrina. Stories of widespread police brutality and even White vigilantes ‘hunting down Blackfolk’, have become just one part of an International Tribunal on Hurricanes Katrina and Rita which has aimed the majority of its widespread enmity towards FEMA (Langley 2007). The tornadoes of despair have not ceased for the victims of Katrina, and the heartache still abounds as well. Twenty-six months later, after wildfires went wild in California, FEMA Administrator David Paulison stepped forward immediately to tell the American People, â€Å"The safety of the firefighters, individuals and families in the impacted areas is of utmost concern. † (FEMA 2007). Contrary to the widespread sense of government disregard that many felt in response to Katrina, the victims of the California Wildfires were immediately afforded a sense of assurance that FEMA was working with the highest sense of urgency on their behalf. Victims of this disaster were instantly promised that this would not be a â€Å"repeat of Katrina† (Philbin 2007). So it was, that with amazing efficiency, within hours FEMA had approved grants that allowed the state of California to recoup as much as 75% of the cost of fighting the wildfires. They had a joint field office open within 48 hours. FEMA’s regional office in California also stayed open 24/7, and coordinated its efforts with state, local, and federal agencies, including the Department of the Interior, D. O. T, the Army Corps of Engineers, Health and Human Services, and the U. S. Forest Service (EKU October 24, 2007). FEMA put its resources on full blast for the residents of Southern California, opening shelters, handing out blankets, food and water. From Katrina in August of 2005 to the California Wildfires of 2007 it was as if we were watching a Tale of Two Cities. One can only hope that FEMA keeps itself together and that tragedies coupled with that kind of governmental ineptitude never happen again. References Associated Press (March 1, 2006) (Video File) Washingtonpost. com Katrina: the warnings bush received. Retrieved from http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp- dyn/content//video/2006/03/01/V12006030101864 html Brinkley, Douglas The great deluge: Hurricane katrina, new orleans, and the mississippi gulf coast. Harper Collins 2006 334-335, 250 CNN (Tuesday October 23, 2007) Lessons from Katrina being applied to fire response. Updated 8:29 PM Retrieved from htt://www. cnn. com/2007/POLITICS/10/fire. fema/index. html EKU Fire Chief (website) (Oct 24, 2007) FEMA responds to california wildfires. Retrieved from http://firechief. com/leadership/incident- command/Fema_wildfire_10242007/ FEMA (October 24, 2007) Contingency Planning and Management Federal emergency management agency coordinating national response to California wildfires. Retrieved from http://www. contingencyplanning. com/articles/52388/ Kamen, A (October 26, 2007) Washington Post FEMA meets the press: Which happens to be†¦ fema. p. A19 Langley, D (July 22, 2007) Worker’s World Katrina-Rita tribunal to focus on u. s. crimes Retrieved from http://www. workers. org/2007/us/katrina-rita-0726/ MSNBC (Saturday October 27, 2007) Chertoff blast FEMA’s faux press conference. Calls agency’s use of fake reporters ‘one of the dumbest’ things he’s seen. Updated 7:21 PM. [Retrieved At:] http://www. msnbc. com/id21490838/ Philbin, P (October 24, 2007) (transcript) California wildfires: fema responds. Agency vows aggressive effort on wildfires. Washington Post. com. External Affairs Director, Federal Emergency Management Agency. [Retrieved At:] http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp- dyn/content/discussion/2007/10/24/DI2007102400890. html

Monday, October 14, 2019

Representations of Masculinity in Film

Representations of Masculinity in Film Representations of Masculinity in Film Real men don’t cry. Men who show emotion are seen as pathetic and weak, whereas society want men to be strong, athletic and powerful. This assignment will include an identification and analysis, in the film American Pie (American Pie, 1999) of the six different representations of masculinity and their impact on the story and the audience. The analysis will comply of the identification of six specific characters that embody the male gender stereotypes, or their subversions. The six male gender stereotypes are: the Joker, the Jock, the Strong Silent Type, the Big Shot, the Action Hero and the Buffoon. These are important to identify because they appear in all movies which we tend to be oblivious to at times. Knowing the different types of stereotypes help you gain a better understanding of the film. â€Å"The Jock is always willing to compromise his own long-term health; he must fight other men when necessary; he must avoid being soft; and he must be aggressive (NMMU, 2014). By demonstrating his power and strength, the jock wins the approval of other men and the adoration of women.† The function of a jock in a film is to create a social structure in a school and to give the image of an ideal American teenager. In the film American Pie there are a few protagonists that resemble the jock stereotype. Chris â€Å"Oz† Ostreicher is one of the characters in the movie that portrays this stereotype. Oz is a great representation of a jock as he embodies all the characteristics. Oz is a typical all American male teenager who plays football and lacrosse, manages to swoon the ladies and he is at the top of the social hierarchy at school. Oz is a well groomed man where his good looks far surpass his academic abilities. A prime example of this in the film is when Oz tells all hi s friends that he has been seeing a collage girl and that soon they will be moving onto the next level in their ‘relationship’. This is done to acquire the approval from all his friends, especially from Steven Stifler, and the other popular males. Another character that embodies the jock stereotype is Steven â€Å"Steve† Stifler. Steve is an egotistical big-headed sports driven high school student. The evidence in the film that he is a jock are proven because he plays lacrosse and football with Oz. When Steve is faced with situations that could place any damage on his reputation he tends to react in an aggressive manner. Another instance of the jock stereotype is highlighted when Steve has a house party at his residence. Everybody from school who is popular enough to be invited inside is there. Then the doorbell rings during the party and the whole musical band from school are standing outside his door. Steve refuses to let them inside because they are not cool e nough and might ruin his reputation. This shows that Steve has a desire to main supreme amongst the rest of the jocks. When it comes to the ladies, Steve only uses them for his benefit and gain. Steve takes a girl to his room but she refuses to kiss him as she does not want him to go around joking about her with his friends the very next day. Steve lies and tells her that he would never do that just so that she could feel better. He even gives her false compliments just so that she would become putty in his hands allowing him to take advantage of her. To analyse the above stereotype both of the protagonists personify the characteristics of a typical high school jock. Although Oz and Steve are both the popular boys at school they have a very different way of showing it. Oz is much friendlier and kinder whereas Steve is arrogant and aggressive. These characters are driven by their sporting talents because for them sport is the only thing that makes you a real man. They see woman as ob jects and not as human beings. Therefore the film American Pie excels at representing the jock stereotype in the movie. â€Å"The Joker is a very popular character with boys, perhaps because laughter is part of their own mask of masculinity. A potential negative consequence of this stereotype is the assumption that boys and men should not be serious or emotional† (NMMU, 2014)The function of a joker in a film is to allow for comedic relief and to create a relaxed atmosphere as well as making inappropriate jokes at times. Stifler is the joker in the film as he is constantly making comments throughout the movie that makes people laugh. A joker is popular among males which makes Stifler one of the most popular boys at East Great Falls High. Stifler makes every serious situation a joke and does not allow for emotions to come into play. Another example of the joker stereotype in the film is when Stifler pours laxatives into Finch’s drink as he knows Finch does not use the school’s toilets. Stifler has everybody laughing at this prank. This character was effective because Stifler is a ve ry dominate character and so he makes up a lot of different stereotypes because of his personality. He never shows emotions and is never serious about anything. Stifler is only worried about, Lacrosse, woman and his popularity. â€Å"The Strong Silent Type focuses on being in charge, acting decisively, containing emotion, and succeeding with women. This stereotype reinforces the assumption that men and boys should always be in control, and that talking about one’s feelings is a sign of weakness† (NMMU, 2014).The function of this type in a film is to allow for those characters that are dominant and strong yet who show emotion to have a role in the film. Although Oz is a jock in the film he also starts to display characteristics of a strong silent type. Oz and his friends made a pact that by the end of high school they should all have lost their virginity. Oz believes that it is a good idea to join the choir as the girls are perceived to be naà ¯ve and innocent and would be easy prey. Oz decides that he is now going to try get rid of his reputation of being an insensitive jock and become more caring and sensitive towards ladies. He meets a girl named Heather, who sings in the choir, and he imme diately feels an attraction towards her. For now he can only think of the pact his friends made and how he can use Heather as his victim to fulfil the deal. Steve, Kevin and Jim are all watching Oz while he sings and so after the choir practice Stifler asks Oz what his game plan is for joining the choir. Oz validates himself saying that he needs to find a girl to complete the deal they all made. â€Å"Chris Oz Ostreicher: [On being sensitive] You ask them questions, and listen to what they have to say and s**t. Steve Stifler: I dunno, man, that sounds like a lot of work† (IMDb, 1990-2014). This is the first glimpse of evidence that there is a slight start to showing emotion and care for Heather. As the film continues there is a complete change in Oz as he starts to focus more on Heather than his sport. He even leaves in the middle of the most important lacrosse game of the season to go and sing in a choir competition. When he arrives at the auditorium where the competition is taking place he grabs Heather in a passionate embrace and kisses her. This highlights that he has grown true and honest feeling for her. Heather and Oz end up breaking their virginity on prom night but promise to not tell anybody. At the end of the movie Oz believes that he is starting to fall in love with his girlfriend, Heather. Kevin Myers is also a strong silent type but it is not as obvious as in Oz’s case. The reason why Kevin falls under this stereotype is because he loves to take control and dominate the group. He even comes up with an idea that Finch, Oz, Jim an himself must lose their virginity before graduation from high school. They all make a pact and agree upon it. Kevin is the main instigator and inventor of this pact, and so all the drama that occurs as a result of the plan is because of Kevin’s idea. Another reason why he is the strong silent type is because he succeeds with woman and is a ladies man. He hides all his emotion about his feelings for hi s girlfriend away from her. When Kevin’s girlfriend tells him that she loves him, he is stunned and speechless. He doesn’t know how to express himself because he does not want to lose his credibility as a man if he is seen as emotional. Kevin eventually tells his girlfriend that he loves her before they have sexual intercourse. This can be seen as a way of manipulating his girlfriend into sleeping with just so that he can abide by the pact. This stereotype is well portrayed in Oz’s case. They show the transition from a sport crazy jock to becoming a choir singing sensitive man. It is very effective as it shows that men are allowed to show emotion and feelings, they don’t always have to be as hard as bricks. Although showing emotion for a male is seen as weak, Oz shows emotion in such a way that it doesn’t affect his jock status it only makes himself look like a better person. Kevin is also portrayed effectively although he is not as clear as Oz, he is still a strong silent type. Kevin portrays more of a dominate role in this case than Oz does. Both roles have been displayed accurately and in an effective manner. â€Å"The Big Shot is defined by his professional status. He is the epitome of success, embodying the characteristics and acquiring the possessions that society deems valuable. â€Å" This stereotype suggests that a real man must be economically powerful and socially successful† (NMMU, 2014).The big shot stereotype includes a number of characters. Stifler is a big shot as he believes that he rules the school and everybody in it. He is arrogant and insensitive to others. Stifler loves to have parties and drink alcohol which high school students consider to be enjoyable. Stifler has no respect for woman at all. He believes that they are only there to satisfy his personal needs. Chuck Sherman also embodies this stereotype as he makes all his ‘friends’ believe that he is going to sleep with a beautiful girl. The very next morning when these men wake up they witness Sherman coming downstairs with this girl. He then proceeds to lie to his friends and tell them that the y were busy the entire night. Meanwhile they had been having an in-depth conversation with one another instead. At prom the truth about this incident is revealed when this girl, who Sherman claimed he had sex with, tells everybody that he is a liar and that it never happened. Paul Finch is the third character to portray a big shot, he does this by the way he behaves and speaks. An example in the movie is when they are at Stifler’s house party after prom. Finch has no date and decides to walk around the house until he comes across a room that he is out of bounds. Inside the room he finds Stifler’s mother drinking and smoking. His attitude changes immediately and acts much older than he really is. He starts to seduce Stifler’s mother by means of his big shot personality. He drinks whiskey with her which is regarded as an adults drink, but Finch believes he is far more mature than the young boys downstairs. Finch then sleeps with Stifler’s mother which cause s problems the next morning. Kevin is the last big shot character in the film. Kevin says that â€Å"[o]ur very manhood is at stake† (American Pie, 1999) with regards to their lack of sexual encounters. Kevin has formed a pact with his friends which states that they have to lose their virginity by the time they graduate. Kevin becomes a jerk at Stifler’s house party when he wants to have sex with Vicky, his girlfriend, but she is not willing. He almost becomes forceful during the movie when she does not want to give it to him. His big shot personality is seen when he is walking downstairs at the party and says to Jim â€Å"enough with the blowjob bull s**t, I gotta get laid already† (American Pie, 1999).Vicky over hears this and is distraught. He is a big shot in the terms that he just wants to lose his virginity and thinks that he can take control and force Vicky into it. All these characters were portrayed exceptionally well. They were very easily spotted in t he film as their characteristics matched those of the big shot stereotype. The big shots are those that have power and require things that society believes is valuable which are women, sex and popularity. They manages to use their power to seduce the woman in order to acquire what is important to them, which is to lose their virginity. â€Å"The Action Hero is strong, but not necessarily silent. He is often angry. Above all, he is aggressive in the extreme and, increasingly over the past several decades, he engages in violent behaviour† (NMMU, 2014). In the film American Pie the best example of an action hero is the character Steve Stifler. He embodies many different types of stereotypes. He is your typical big cheese, know it all type of guy. If he has been humiliated and embarrassed by somebody he will use force to take his revenge on them and is very aggressive when things do not go his way. His anger is his form of a mask that covers and hides his emotions from the world. An example would be when Steve Stifler finds out that Finch is spreading rumours about himself. A rumour involving Steve had been spread around campus which was that Finch had beaten Steve in a fist fight. Steve was overwhelmed with anger when he heard the rumour, as it embarrassed him and hurt his creditability. Steve reacted to this s eeking revenge, he then decides to put a high dosage of laxatives into Finch’s regular mochacchino. The outcomes of Steve’s joke allowed for the embarrassment and rumours about his weakness to be forgotten and for all the good attention to be drawn back to him and for all the laughter to be focused on someone he sees as lower than him. This allows the audience to view his aggression and low self-esteem issues. In analysis to the character of the action hero in the film it is extremely well portrayed as the character is your typical big man on campus. This character shows that there is much more to him then he allows you to see, and is prepared to reveal to the public. This allows the audience to understand the character and his feelings better. This gives the viewer the chance to see another side of the character. This makes Steve seem strong and intimidating on the outside but in fact he is a normal human with feelings just like everybody else on the inside. â€Å"The Buffoon commonly appears as a bungling father figure in TV ads and sitcoms. Usually well-intentioned and light-hearted, these characters range from slightly inept to completely hopeless when it comes to parenting their children or dealing with domestic (or workplace) issues† (NMMU, 2014). The function of a buffoon in a film is to add entertainment and light hearted laughter. Noah Levenstein is the perfect example of a buffoon in the film, as he has no idea of how to raise his son properly when it comes to teenagers’ problems. It is evident in the film that Noah is a buffoon. The film starts with Jim, his son, watching a bad quality porn movie. Noah then helped his son by agreeing with him. This is the first sign that the father is going to be a funny and laid back father. Later in the film Noah visits Jim in his room and decides to have a conversation about sex. He tries to give his son sexual advice and brings him pornographic magazines. Further along in the film Noah comes home to his son performing sexual acts to an apple pie that his mother had baked. The father then helps Jim to clean up the kitchen and he then comes up with the idea that they will tell his wife that they had eaten the pie. Noah decided to help cover up Jims actions so that he would not get in trouble with his mother. â€Å"We’ll just tell your mom we ate it† (American Pie, 1999). In the end of the movie Noah opens his son’s bedroom door and sees Jim dancing in a sexual manner. Noah smiles at what he sees and starts breaking into very similar dance moves and shouts for his wife saying â€Å"Sweetheart† (American Pie, 1999). The use of the buffoon is very effective in the overall film. The character was portrayed perfectly and so it made identifying the buffoon very easy. Noah embodies all the characteristics a buffoon usually expresses. The protagonist is portrayed accurately in this film and allows for people to easily connect with the c haracter. Analysing the above character makes it clear that the buffoon is one of the main sources of comedy in a movie. It is an effortless yet at times awkward. To conclude, in this film it is evident that male stereotypes are rife. In society, males are meant to be strong and unbreakable whereas not every man is the same. This allows for the different stereotypes to be formed as some males fall under the popular category while others are more emotional. [2989] Reference list American Pie. 1999. [Film] Directed by Paul Weitz. United States of America: Universal Pictures, Zide-Perry Productions, Newmarket Capital Group, Summit Entertainment. IMDb, 1990-2014. Quotes for Chris Oz Ostreicher. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2014]. Janelle Vermaak NMMU course notes 2014

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Medical Errors :: Health, Miscommunication, Work Loads

In year 2000 Institute of medicine (IOM) reported that around 98,000 people die each year (Kohn, 2000). The main reason for this incident is medical errors. Medical errors cost around $29 billion loss for heath care industry (Slonim, LaFleur, Ahmed, & Joseph, 2003). These medical errors caused people to be more in hospitals, more diagnostic evaluations, un-necessary treatments, and also resulted in many deaths. Medical error is defined as â€Å"failure of planned action to be completed as intended or use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim† (Kohn, 2000). Entering wrong medical information causes adverse effect on drugs and care given to patients. Lack of proper medical record will cause patients to stay more in hospitals, more disability, and more loss for health care industry. Medical errors are considered to be eighth leading cause of deaths in USA (McGowan & Healey, 2009). Of all major departments in health care, one of crucial departments is pediatrics (Kozer, Berkovitch, & Koren, 2006). Pediatric department is one of the key departments in health care sector and comprise of around 10 % of health care industry (McGowan & Healey, 2009). There were many deaths reported in pediatric departments. The medical errors will have more impact on children than in adults due to various reasons. One reason is that most of medicines for children are off label and they don’t have standard doses (Kozer, Berkovitch, & Koren, 2006). Another reason for medical errors is that many doses of medications needs to be adjusted according to child’s weight and body mass. Some medications which are supplied need to be diluted and improper dilatation doses will result in deaths (Kozer, Berkovitch, & Koren). All these medical errors results in abnormal deaths in children. There are various types of medication errors. They are dosing errors which are caused due to improper dosing of medication and tenfold error which are caused due to prescriptions which are ten fold higher or lower in dose than recommended dose (Kozer, Berkovitch, & Koren, 2006). The other types of errors are diagnostic errors which are caused due to delay in diagnostics and error in monitoring test results, treatment errors which are caused due to delay in responding to an illness due to lack of test results and due to other issues like improper system failures and lack of backup plans (McGowan & Healey, 2009). Mostly medical errors are due to increase in work loads, abbreviations misunderstandings, and misinterpretations due to handwriting (Kozer, Berkovitch, & Koren, 2006).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Arts and Politics :: Arts Politics Essays

Arts and Politics Many artists tend to overwork themselves and get frustrated. Even if they were to work 18 hours a day on a project, many of them still wouldn’t be able to pat themselves on the shoulder and say â€Å"You’ve done a great job! You should be happy!† Of all the times they say it, they rarely feel it. But when you get down to the bottom of it, they absolutely love to do it! Just like that, Emilie gets neurotic when she works, and hence she prefers to work alone at night. Upon my insistence she reveals some of the secret characteristics of her artist persona: she gazes at the drawing, moves back, gazes some more, moves closer, speaks to herself and works for long hours until the picture in her head comes alive. It’s rarely the exact same picture, but sometimes it’s â€Å"even better†. She’s sharing her studio with two friends this year. As a result, she prefers to work at home even though she misses the times when she pulled all-nighters in Johnson and turned the lights off as the sun came up. Even though she works like a zombie in order to avoid human presence, the result inevitably begs for the daylights due to its political subject matter. Emilie doesn’t do art for art’s sake. She has a purpose: to make the viewer think. â€Å"It’s really important to know what you think about everything.. ‘Cause if you don’t know, then what are you bringing to the table?.. In order to be a complete person you need to have complete opinions about a wide spectrum of things.† Unlike some political art that’s shoved into your face, Emilie tries to be subtle. She likes to put things out there and leave the interpretation to the viewer. Her work mainly deals with gender, popular culture, and western mentality. â€Å"I’m a woman, I’m American, I’m middle upper class, I’m a consumer, I’m privileged. But I’m also influenced by the struggles of the other class-lower class†¦ I’m fascinated by the concept of the exotic and how western communities turn that into a commodity. The consumption by the west of the east..† she says as she sips on Red Bull, takes another drag from her cigarette, the count of which I lost a while ago, and puts on some techno/pop music on the computer. But that’s not all. Despite her interest and respect in political art, she immediately sits up when asked her favorite artist and speaks the name James Turrell.

Is Fanthorpe an Effective Poet? Essay

UA Fanthorpe describes herself as, â€Å"a middle-aged drop out.† She was born in 1929 and is still alive today at the age of seventy-five. Today many people consider Fanthorpe to be one of the most accomplished poets ever. There are factors that lead to her success a poet. One of these factors is that, she viewed much more of the world than most people would view in a life time. She found out first hand what a teacher’s life was like, and also saw what it was like to work in a hospital. It was always her ambition as she was growing up to be a writer; she finally became what she wanted at the age of forty nine when her first piece of poetry was published. Fanthorpe feels poetry is not meant to, â€Å"Attract money or publicity.† She believes poetry is supposed to â€Å"stay honest and independent†. Poetry â€Å"can’t do more,† than stay honest and independent â€Å"because it hasn’t the status† of other forms of writing. â€Å"All a poet can do is warn†, which is what Fanthorpe, does powerfully. Over her life time she has written a number of successful poems, for instance, â€Å"Not My Best Side,† and â€Å"Half-Past Two,† and a variety of other remarkable poems. In my eyes, the two poems that she wrote which demonstrate her skills most effectively are, â€Å"Not My Best Side,† and â€Å"You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly.† Both these poems display her skilful talent in using the other voice, along with creating a large amount of emotion. In the poem â€Å"Not My Best Side,† the reader perceives her skill in using the other voice, by creating the different voices for the Dragon, the Maiden, and the Knight. She portrays the dragons’ emotions as a wounded gentleman, discouraged because his â€Å"victim was so unattractive as to be inedible† The dragon is displayed very much against the stereotype of itself. She presents him as an intelligent young man who is more worried about his image and appearance than anything else. When having his portrait painted, the artist â€Å"did not give him a chance to pose properly.† He was upset because the painter â€Å"left off two of his feet.† The dragon, commenting on his death, says, â€Å"I should have liked a bit more blood† This understatement contradicts the violent reputation of a dragon, making the poem like an amusing fairy tale in that the dragon knows he will rise again. Fanthorpe depicts the princess as a small, chatty, plain yet slightly pretty woman. She in addition to the dragon does not fit the stereotype of a princess in distress. Instead of wanting to be rescued by the noble knight, â€Å"to be honest, I didn’t much fancy him.† â€Å"I quite took to the dragon.† St. George, who is known in other poems as a heroic knight who rescues the princess and carries her away to marry her, living happily ever after, is revealed as being â€Å"ostentatiously beardless†, and the princess worries that he may â€Å"have acne, or blackheads, or bad breath†. He thinks very highly of his armour, his horse, and himself. The author destroys the stereotype view of all the characters in the tale of St. George slaying the dragon. Instead of being the noble knight, he appears as a male chauvinist, whilst the princess, instead of being helpless, is an opinionated girl who speaks her own mind. Fanthorpe also frequently creates humour in the poem, for example when the princess says, â€Å"that green sexy tail† â€Å"You Will Be Hearing From Us Shortly,† is another show of why she is such a successful poet today. There is a great deal of skill involved in creating this masterpiece. Whilst the voice of the interviewer is the only one she uses, in contrast to â€Å"Not My Best Side†, she still makes it possible for the reader to understand and follow the poem. She causes the reader to dislike the arrogant personnel officer, and to feel sympathetic towards the man whom is being interrogated. Fanthorpe likes to open poems with a sentence that gets the reader’s attention immediately, and causes an interest in the character. â€Å"Once upon a school time, he did Something Very Wrong†, causes the reader to wonder what he did, in the poem â€Å"Half-past Two.† â€Å"Do you feel adequate to the demands of this position?† is a line which certainly would not make the interviewee at ease and relaxed, but creates tension, again causing the reader to wonder what will happen next. Although the reader cannot know what answers the interviewee gives during his interview, he still finds out many facts about him, which leads the reader to feel compassion and empathy towards him. We see the age of the man in a very subtle way. The interviewer is not impressed by the age of the interviewee: he wanted someone, â€Å"†¦with precisely the right amount of immaturity.† This little passage shows that the person that was being interviewed was too old for the job. At first we see the interviewer as a polite and concerned man, but as we near the middle of the poem we see that he is quite the opposite. An inappropriate remark that the interviewee makes is on the looks of the person that is being interviewed. They interviewer had just said something about looks being a delicate matter when he brings it up just in more detail, â€Å"You do appreciate this work involves contact with the actual public.† This shows that the interviewer not keen on the appearance of the person that is being interviewed. The point Fanthorpe makes very well is that the proud, pompous interviewer prejudges the man seeking employment. He criticizes his looks, accent, background, age, and number of children; not giving him a fair interview based on his qualifications. There are no major weak points in the style of Fanthorpe’s poetry. Not only does she display her use of the other voice, but she also creates humour and makes her views on society today known. This is also shown in â€Å"Dear Mr Lee†, in which the student loves reading, but fails exams, because she disagrees with the exam board, and cannot meet their expectations. Fanthorpe creates ample amounts of emotion and feeling in all her poems as we covered briefly. Her poems are written in an irregular form, with no rhyme scheme, yet her exceptional use of words makes her poetry very interesting.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Attitude Towards Women Fathers and Sons Essay

To analyze the attitudes towards the women question and the most useful starting point would be to look at the representation of the liberated woman, Yevdoxia Kukshina, which can be contrasted with the representation of Bazarov’s mother or Nikolai Kirsanov’s wife, the women ideals of the older generation. Kukshina is clearly meant to the representative of the radicalism of the 1850s to1860s, â€Å"the progressive, advanced or educated woman : nigilistka or nihilist woman† (Richard Stites). She has ‘vowed to defend the rights of women to the last drop of my blood’ and is scornful of Sand ‘an out of date woman’. She has separated from her husband and plans to go abroad to study in Paris and Heildelberg. She thus, personifies the emergence of new objectives and tactics among the Russian emancipees of the early 1860s. However, it is also quite obvious that while much has been written about Turgenev’s attitude towards his nihilist hero, there is no doubt that the female nihilist Kukshina is an unflattering caricature and as Walter Smyrniw quotes â€Å"Turgenev has deliberately portrayed Kukshina as a ludicrous and repulsive emancipee.† Walter goes on to argue that in his portrayal of Kukshina, Turgenev lampooned only certain undesirable tendencies generated by Russian emancipees. The worst among them was a lack of genuine involvement, an inadequate commitment to the movement itself. Some merely assumed the roles of the emancipated women and hence their behaviour was both contrived and unnatural. Although many critics have argued along the same lines of Turgenev’s portrayal of Kukshina as a device for irony â€Å"the progressive louse which Turgenev combed out of Russian reality† (Dostoevsky) and that he has assumed the same sentiment in respect to Russian men who merely assumed the pose of materialists and nihilists (eg. Sitnikov), it is hard to escape that in the description of her person and household we find some of the stereotyping of radical women found in most conservative writing. He did not hesitate in expressing value judgments when ridiculing the pretentiousness and hypocrisy of Russian women who merely played the role of emancipees. She is dirty and slovenly in her habits and person, her room is scattered and dusty, her hair disheveled and her dress crumpled. Moreover, her conversation and behaviour is meant to ‘show’ us that her radicalism is shallow and unaffected. The narrator ‘tells’ us that she greets her guests with a string of questions without waiting for answers. It is important to notice here the narrator’s generalization here, which would seem to impute lack of serious concern (feminine casualness) to all women as part of their feminine nature and not to Kukshina as an individual. The narrator draws repeated attention to Kukshina’s unattractive physical appearance almost as if that were partly her fault. Kukshina is unfortunate enough to show her gums above her top teeth when she laughs and her piano playing revels her flat-cut fingernails. However, what is most significant in terms of the dominant patriarchal ideology of the mid-nineteenth century Russia is her declaration, â€Å"I’m free, I have no children.† From a conservative perspective, this would count as near sacrilegious statement. Though Bazarov himself is a serious character, it’s possible to read Sitnikov as a parody of the younger generation. At Madame Kukshin’s, the narrator tells us â€Å"To Sitnikov the chance to be scathing and express contempt was the most agreeable of sensations† (13.44).